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What is conflict? definition and meaning-Ainsofeel


conflict,motivation, personality development

  Conflicts, misunderstandings, and opposing points of view are an inevitable part of working life. Conflict may not occur on a daily basis, but when it happens it can be intense.

All relationships, professional and personal, experience some kind of conflict. This is normal, natural and sometimes necessary for growth and development. Some people feel it is best to avoid conflict.

While this can be appropriate sometimes, it is not always recommended. Conflicts, misunderstandings and opposing points of view are inevitable in the work place, but it is possible to resolve conflicts and preserve harmony.

The main secret to conflict resolution is understanding not so much the conflict occurred, but how you can manage it when it does.

Conflict Categories 
Broadly speaking, considering what most people fight at bout work, conflicts have been clubbed in to three categories:

  1. Not enough of something to go around. For example, lack of office resources or new computers.
  2. Different ways of seeing the world. For example, disagreements about who is responsible for handling certain tasks or functions in the office.
  3. Different goals that you, or a colleague or boss wants to reach. For example , different views of how to spend professional development allowances.

 Whatever the category, the topic of conflict can be full of emotion, negativity, myths and truths.

Four Myths about conflict are:
Conflict at work means that there is something seriously wrong with the company. When handled effectively, conflict can help people meet theirgoals and objectives within a team or department. Constructive conflict even allow you to create new solution by incorporating ideas from several points of view.
conflict,motivation, personality development

Conflict means Communication has come to a halt. When you know how to positively engage others in a conflict, it can provide the opportunity to clarify issues, create innovative solutions and strengthen relationships

All conflicts can be resolved. There are going to be times when you simply cannot agree on certain issues. Because of different values, you might have to make choices about which differences to address for solutions, which differences to address for learning and which differences to leave alone.

Conflict always results in a winner or loser. There are many possible outcomes to a conflict that dot’t necessarily mean that someone wins and someone loses. When mutual desire exists to resolve differences, you can increase the chances for win-win results.

Four Truths about Conflict are:

                     Conflict will occur. It is a natural dynamic when interacting with other. The important question is what you do with conflict.
Conflict can help build relationships. When you know how to work through conflicts with people, it is possible to strengthen bonds with manager and colleagues.
Conflict can be a tool for personal development. In addressing differences, you can be exposed to new ideas and thus have an opportunity to reassess your own perspectives and beliefs.
Most conflicts can be managed. There are five approaches to use when dealing with conflict, all of which may be appropriate in different situations.
To help you in your next workplace conflict, use the following definitions of these five options as a quick checklist to determine the best way to approach the situation

1.      Competition (Win-Lose  Method)

                                  This is the power-based, winner-takes- all approach. The focus is winning at any cost instead of searching for the most appropriate solution for everyone involved.

2.      Accommodation (Lose-Win Method).

                                   This can be a variation of the competition approach in which you are willing to lose to the other person.
                                    It can also be an assertive method when you realize it is more important to preserve the relationship that to argue the issue, or when the issue is more important to the other person that it is to you.

3.      Avoidance (Lose-Lose Method).

                                      This may sometime be considered a fear response or a denial that a problem exists. However, you may choose avoidance when others can resolve the conflict more efficiently, or when both parties need a chance to cool off, or when addressing the situation directly may be too damaging or costly to both parties involved.

4.      Compromise (Win-Lose and Win-Lose Method).

                                    This includes negotiation, tradeoffs and a high degree of flexibility. You can get some of what you want, but you will also have to give up something.

5.      Collaboration (Win-Win Method).

                                   This requires a climate in which each person is willing and able to examine and understand the other person’s point of view.
                         It requires trust, the willingness to be creative and the ability to empathize to reach a solution. Whatever method you use, the key to these different approaches is to choose one that fits with the situation and what you would like to see happen. Ask yourself: What do you what as the result? What is at stake because of this conflict?

      12 critical Management variables that Drive all outcomes from the employee’s Point of View:1)      I know what is expected of me at work.
conflict,motivation, personality development

2)        I have the materials and equipment I need to do my Work right.
3)      At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day.
4)      In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work.
5)      My supervisor, or someone at work, seems to care about me as a person.
6)      There is someone at work who encourages my development.
7)      At work, my opinions seem to count.
8)      The mission or purpose of my company makes me feel my job is important.
9)      My associates or fellow employees are committed to doing quality work.
10)   I have a best friend at work.
11)   In the last six months, someone at work has talked to me about my progress.
12)   This last year, I have had opportunities at work to learn and grow.

The Most Powerful Variables are:

   My supervisor or someone at work, seems to care about me as a person
At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day
In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work

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