Art Of Conversation | 22 Rules Regarding conversation | part-2|2018
Conversation- Conversation is a art. every people in the would can know about conversation. Due to conversation skill make himself smart.
Analytical Expression:-
Analytical expression helps a person to get rid of his stress. He becomes successful in expressing his emotions and outbursts in a proper manner. The speaker himself should do something which would give inspiration to other. This helps others also to use these solutions with confidence.
- Tell other about the possible solution to get rid of stress and outbursts.
- Motivate them to use these solutions.
- Motivate people to do work only according to their tastes.
Inspirational Expression:-
Inspirational expression motivates people to use their own powers. For this, the speaker inspires other to do work and perform better , but does not work for them . Their helps people learn to use their abilities to the maximum and their self-confidence also increases. They learn how to take the responsibility of building their own selves.
- Inspiring others by praising their work,
- Developing their understanding towards work,
- Kindling their curiosity by asking them questions, while keeping their attention focused on the basic task,
- Helping them understand their latent virtues, unique qualities and capabilities.
Collaborative Expression:-
In this case, one has to listen to others with patience and comprehend What they are saying. One must not impose one's thoughts and decisions on others. The speaker must value the opinions of others, shower true praise and motivate them to work better.
steps to improve your power of expression;
- Learn the various forms of expression, comprehend them and implement them in your life.
- Welcome the thoughts, feeling and behavior of others and also, understand them.
- Express your thoughts and feelings with honesty.
- Give love and affection to others.
- Make them learn about their unique qualities as well as weaknesses.
- Always make efforts to motivate and improve them.
Directive, suggestive and challenging expressions shows that the speaker is presenting his viewpoint as an expert. The other three types, argumentative, inspirational and collaborative expressions, also need alertness. According to the situation and need of the hour, we should know how to express our thoughts carefully.
Some Rules Regarding conversation:-
Whether you are among your friends, or in a business meeting, or talking to your kin, you must always follow the basic rules of conversation. These are as follows:
- Always avoid talking too much.
- Speak less, listen more.
- Listen to the other person first, think about it in your mind and then, give an appropriate reply.
- The reply should be concise and yet effective.
- Never exhibit excitement in your talk.
- Do not use language which could offend the person.
- If somebody has said something which you do not appreciate, do not react spontaneously or lose your balance. Rather, Present your views with patience and humility and clarify the situation.
- Do not try to interrupt in between the conversation of others.
- Speak with a smile on your face. While engaging in conversation with other, show interest in the thoughts of other people as well.
- Praise the good qualities and thoughts of others with a true heart.
- Do not look down upon others or ridicule them.
- Avoid back biting.
- Try your best to remember the names of the people you meet.
- Do not repeat a thing, time and again.
- Do not pass sarcastic comments on religious or personal matters.
- Always keep yourself clean and tidy.
- Do not pass bitter remarks or intimidate others with your vocabulary.
- Do not use the letter 'I' too often. Rather, you should mostly use 'we'.
- Do not try to prove at all times that others are wrong or deceitful or inferior.
- Abstain from futile arguments.
- Do not secretively whisper in the ears of other people, while someone is speaking.
- Smile pleasantly, but you must know that laughing unnecessarily is a sing of bad manners.
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Very useful post thanks